Monday, 25 October 2010

How about . . .

How about we save a few cedis each month
how about we give back what we have in excess

How about we make promises we can keep
how about we show up when we say we will

How about we express our innermost desires
how about we take this step towards our future together

How about we do what we can when we can
how about we stop living a lie just to please society

How about we dedicate a few minutes to The Most each day
how about we encourage others to extend a supporting hand

How about we ask for clarity with things that baffle us
how about we don't base our actions on just perceptions

How about we realise emotions are simply emotions
how about we stop trying to make sense of it all

How about we never let go of people we fell in love with
how about we acknowledge the birth of life in death

How about we liberate ourselves from mental incarceration
how about we realise our human tapestry is enriched by our diversity

Telly Morris
Monday, October 25, 2010 at 23:57HRS

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