Wednesday, 27 October 2010

For a moment (Tribute to Sade)

For a moment make my soul sing
For a moment hang on to your love
For a moment experience maximum joy

For a moment be a princess in your new dress
For a moment bring out the best in me
For a moment I want you to want me

For a moment reminisce the thrill of a first kiss
For a moment don't pretend you are good at forgiving
For a moment be not that someone who broke my heart

For a moment have faith in the middle of the madness
For a moment brighten up my day with your sweet smile
For a moment reveal the war raging inside

For a moment let the whole world feel your heartbeat
For a moment acknowledge there is a force stronger than you
For a moment love me like I was your invention

For a moment don't waste your body and soul on anyone
For a moment be sweet as cherry pie and wild as friday night
For a moment be there to wipe away my tears

For a moment help them to have some future
For a moment don't want more than you have
For a moment have a bullet proof soul

Telly Morris
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 21:00HRS

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