Wednesday, 17 April 2013

illusions of Kochinelle. . .

Palms planted on the tiles
Water maneuvering over your contours
Left leg planted on my right thigh
My fingers under your butt cheeks 
Lips exploring your navel and waistline

Tongue leaving a trail of wetness
Teeth caressing the mounds of your labia
Soft groans leave your lips dry and wanting more of my kisses
Your teeth biting into your lower lip
Body inching forward with each touch

My lips exploring your wetness
Moist conditions grip my mind like a noose
You inch further down as my tongue embraces your nipples
Tender bites and circles of 8 I bring over mounds 
Fingers finding their way up into your cave of weakness

Legs crumble landing you on my stiffness
My back and your knees embracing the floor
Relishing each movement exaggerated through your thickness
Your wetness welcoming more thickness with each thrust
Eyes rolled back freezing each moment of pleasure

Mind soaring with each deepening stroke
Your moans and screams now a roar of delight
Bodies begin to tense as toes begin to curl
We flood our gates of ecstasy soaked in tears and sweat
My alarm drones and awakens me from this illusion of pleasure. . . 

Telly Morris
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 18:05HRS

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