Sunday, 19 December 2010

The Silence

The Silence brings revelations of untold stories that might depending on your temperament push you to make that hard decision or simply leave you feeling helpless.

The Silence keeps my secrets and guards them till I allow love or the security of another to shatter it into oblivion. It is and always will be my worst adversary.

The Silence is . . . The molester, the adulterous partner, the whatever fear that stops you from wanting to believe in the power and gift of true friendship.

The Silence is that thought process you have when you wake up next to someone society says is your partner but your heart says trod on cos its the wisest choice given the circumstance: kids, power, money, the good life.

The Silence is wondering if you can make it through another month on your salary given the extent of debt you are buried in only so your partner and kids can have a ''normal'' life.

The Silence is telling yourself that a lost love will wake up and realise you were God's gift to them in this life although you won't give up your playa ways in finding satisfaction in another's arms.

The Silence is believing that a simple idea you have could change your world and the ones you love only if Life will grant you a Big Break.

The Silence is keeping that emotion in check with your best mate that you so utterly love because you are afraid the expression I Love You will change the dynamics of your whole relationship.

The Silence is knowing that although we are both married, what we feel for each other is real and for as long as its a secret the world doesn't have to know and the people we love won't get hurt.

The Silence is the soft tears rolling down my cheek because I chose a selfish path to find happiness and not live ''The Life'' just so I can be there for my little one.

The Silence is trying to replace the loss of a dear one with a pet only to scream and shout in the same manner as we would to that person we lost and never got a chance to say I Love You enough.

The Silence is always going to be all the everyday things that we box up in this clandestine world just so we can push to make the next a bit better even if it means hurting the ones we love the most.

Telly Morris
Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 20:20HRS

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