What gives some of us the strength to keep calm in the face of adversity? Heard a friend cry asking God; why?
Why does life have to be so cruel for some and so easy for others. Why should a single young black woman have to fend for her young all alone. Why do men of power only see the beauty in her reflection and not the sorrow within.
Wish there was a way I could extend my indifferent state of being to Her. Wish the next man would take a moment to reflect on the post mortem situation and not on the curves in her hips, the thickness between her thighs or the suppleness of her breast.
Some would say, Her life choices got Her here. I say we all make mistakes and sometimes honestly deserve a BREAK. A break from wondering if She needs to flirt with the next Made Man to ensure her son's school fees will be paid in full, and the little luxuries Her household enjoys do not fluctuate.
I struggle to comprehend how shallow most Men are. We manipulate our way into their lives knowing they are at our mercy. We come and go as we please leaving Her with nothing concrete.
A house which will never be a home. A vehicle which will never be Her car, and a Man who will never be her partner. What stops us from giving away what we have in excess to those we abuse physically and emotionally?
Our gift to Her would be that listening ear each time she is hurting as a result of her bad decisions, a warm hug that won't lead to any form of arousal, and ultimately an investment account that will mitigate the burden of responsibility she carries as a single working mother.
So before you undress her with your eyes the next time, take a moment and realise she is the pillar of strength to that young boy who might eventually become just like YOU.
Telly Morris
Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 00:10HRS
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