Friday 11 October 2024

Pink October

In the soft blush of Pink October’s air,

We met by chance, words dancing, unaware.

Your verses like whispers, tender and low,

Curved ‘round my thoughts, a gentle flow.

Each line you penned, a brush against skin,

Awakening something quiet within.

Ink became touch, paper a sigh,

As we spoke in silence, letting words fly.

Your gaze, a poem all on its own,

Filled with verses never fully shown.

In the cool of midnight, under forbidden skies,

We lingered in metaphors, hiding our eyes.

I felt the pull, magnetic and sweet,

As our stanzas entwined, hearts skipping beats.

Pink October, with its breath so light,

Held our secret love in the cloak of night.

Now we walk through this poem, hand in hand,

Two souls bound by what they can’t withstand.

Taboo and desire, wrapped in soft refrain,

In poetry, we found both pleasure and pain.

Vodoo Child

11-Oct-2024 @ 20:23 HRS