Friday 11 October 2024

Pink October

In the soft blush of Pink October’s air,

We met by chance, words dancing, unaware.

Your verses like whispers, tender and low,

Curved ‘round my thoughts, a gentle flow.

Each line you penned, a brush against skin,

Awakening something quiet within.

Ink became touch, paper a sigh,

As we spoke in silence, letting words fly.

Your gaze, a poem all on its own,

Filled with verses never fully shown.

In the cool of midnight, under forbidden skies,

We lingered in metaphors, hiding our eyes.

I felt the pull, magnetic and sweet,

As our stanzas entwined, hearts skipping beats.

Pink October, with its breath so light,

Held our secret love in the cloak of night.

Now we walk through this poem, hand in hand,

Two souls bound by what they can’t withstand.

Taboo and desire, wrapped in soft refrain,

In poetry, we found both pleasure and pain.

Vodoo Child

11-Oct-2024 @ 20:23 HRS

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Tomorrow . . .

Deep within my heart resides a spirit of the wind
Seeking shelter from the pain that dominates my mind
Holding painful secrets that no one else can know
Feeling the pain of life yet the cracks cannot show

Winding slowly through my mind, the thoughts of yesterday
Tender moments shared with whom there is no decay
Feeling all the emptiness deep within to enable me smile 
Filling it with love and kindness for it to last a mile

The sting of failure can reach so far, no limit does it hold
Sometimes in the dark of night i feel its grasp unfold
A friend that has held me close and wiped away my tears
A kindred spirit, who has warmed my life and taken away my fears

Moments that i cannot share for fear of pain so deep
Misery encapsulates and causes my emotions to heap
In the early morning, right before the sun comes up
The tears that stain my pillow never seem to let-up

Hold my heart with gentle hands, it breaks so easily
Take the sunshine from the sky and place it tenderly
Hold your soul against my breast and feel the peace i seek
Share a piece of heaven with me today for life is just so bleek

Telly Morris
Wednesday, 6th June, 2018 at 21:15HRS

Thursday 9 April 2015


This warmth she is feeling
Sends her heart racing
She doesn't want to let go
Is this love that she is feeling?

Gliding across her tenderness
His fingertips survey
This happened to her once before...
Its not safe to feel this way

The tenderness in his kiss
Will confirm the gentleness in his heart
She thought this fire went out
After all this time gone by

But yet, there is a burning
A craving for something she should not be yearning
Blinded and confused
In this muse called friendship

Telly Morris
Friday, April 10, 2015 at 00:24HRS

Thursday 23 January 2014


In the shallow depths of my soul, darkness falls
Like roots of a tree, I search deep for nourishment
A feeling of being abandoned, like a child on a doorstep

My inner-self has a deficiency
Don't tell the living my feeling
A feeling of being used and discarded, like tissue on a sad day

The need for someone in my life
It feels like a fight I can't win
Hurts to let nothing near

In pain reality is embraced 
Black is my soul, hollow is my heart, cold are my fingertips 
Visions of you are always with me, enveloping me, surrounding me, suffocating me, making me blind from life, as I once knew it

Telly Morris
Friday, January 24, 2014 at 00:16HRS

Saturday 18 January 2014

Tell me why

We are but transient souls in this existence
Throwing away that which was given as a blessing 
That which is not made of stone

Our tears reminding us we have lost our way
Yet we struggle to keep from dying when all is lost
Opting for complexity when love should be simple

The heart doesn’t endure that which makes it sad
Warning signals we ignore as we pray diligently
For that which has no cure

We shape our lives on the tangible things of today
Letting go of adventures which bring so much bliss
Shaping what is our doom to obtain society’s nod of approval

Life should be a dance of happy feet and unending smiles
A rhythm of two kindred spirits soaring above the mundane

Not of plans to fulfil what is expected from us or by us

Telly Morris
Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 22:26HRS

Sunday 22 September 2013

Fix You

I awake, my mind still dazed with sleep
The sight of her in peaceful slumber
warms my heart like she was my creation

Her eyes veiled tight in mystery
Maybe in some wistful dream
or joyful pasts remembered

I'll be gone before the dawn comes
No traces left behind
No way to go back and make this illusion real

I feel her body warm and soft
Her hot breath makes me tense
This moment, i'll remember

The door is gently opened
One more step and I am gone
Things could have been so different

In the words of Cold Play
If you never try
You will never know

With one last look, I close the door
my defenses fall, I cry
" i'll love you till the end," I say. . . 

Telly Morris
Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 09:30HRS

Saturday 21 September 2013

Make believe

I dream of you being with me 
on a mundane day
as our fingers wrap around interlocked
a place of warmth

I dream of you being with me
on a beautiful morning
as the sun fills heat into all that is living
a place of life

I dream of you being with me
on a beautiful evening
as we sit across each other having dinner
a place of love

Telly Morris
Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 23:43HRS